Never use social media. I use it solely for advertising and am otherwise not on it.
Addictive Information-Seeking Loop
As far back as 2012, Psychology Today suggested that it creates an addictive information-seekibng loop by messing with the dopamine center of the brain. This is now a well-researched phenomenon.
Social media creates a never-ending cycle of moving from one post to the next. I’ve discussed it in my video:
Government Information Gathering
There is also the undeniable fact that many social media sites collect an enormous amount of data about you and your children. They use this for both marketing purposes as well as being permanently stored by the Unconstitutional National Security Agency (NSA) for use in its Total Information Awareness program.
While the Total Information Awareness program was initially shut down by Congress, it has been built piecemeal since 9/11.
Every phone call, every text message, every website you visit, your current and past locations, where you work, where you live, and much, much more is stored in the NSA’s data storage facility in Camp Williams, Utah.

Never use social media.